Decoe and Bocoe fans!

Sounds Who are they? Official Art Fan Art
Fanfictions Fanlisting Icons, backgrounds, and such Links/ Linking back
Now, who gets the least love out of all the good robots? Yes, Decoe and Bocoe, those cute and sometiems very funny robots from Sonic X. Sooooo few people ever mention them, from my information, and there's less art of them. And not to mention even less fanfictions.
Please note that this site contains many things from the Japanese version! Don't view some pages if you don't want episodes spoiled! Heck, nearly every page has a spoiler...

Last Update: 3-19-05

Welllp, as teh owner of this site, I say I have the right to advertise my other sites. Therefore, PLEEZ GO 2 MY FANLISTING! It was approved by Booyah. Yeah, anyway, issa pairing site (AmyGamma), so if you looked, that'd be great. Otherwise, yes, I am seriously slacking off in my fanfiction and nothing else has happened. Oh, but there is the fact that new Sonic X episodes have aired in france, and if you wanna donload them, for one place, they can be found at this site. Issa french site, but it's pretty easy to get around enough to know what you're downloading.

In short...
  • New fanlisting link. Whooooo.
Future Updates (no idea when, if ever, these'll be worked on)
  • Add another chapter or two on "Each Mind Has a Heart." I'm having HUGE writer's block issues...
  • Update more fans... yanno... when more people join.
  • Finish the layout thing on all the fanfiction pages.


Decoe and Bocoe are (C) Sonic Team/ the creators of Sonic X.
Don't use any of this stuff without the owner's permission.
But most importantly, become a Decoe 'n Bocoe fan.

This site was created by Papersak
All credits can be found here.
Yes I am a pink dragon! Really!


Created July 16th, 2004.